
Nurturing Minds and Bodies: Promoting 营养 and Healthy Eating Habits in 学校

As the nurturing grounds for future generations, 教育机构在塑造学生的人生方面负有不可推卸的责任. Beyond the confines of academic curricula, schools are entrusted with the vital task of cultivating holistic well-being. Among the various facets of well-being, 营养的重要性和健康的饮食习惯是深刻影响儿童身体和认知发展的基石.

In the realm of education, the impact of nutrition cannot be overstated. 科学研究一直强调均衡营养和提高学习成绩之间的联系. 营养良好的身体不仅能促进身体健康,还能增强认知能力, 提高浓度, 内存, and overall cognitive function. 学校, as the primary source of influence on young minds, are uniquely positioned to instill the importance of nutrition, laying the foundation for a lifetime of positive habits.

在这个博客中, 我们深入研究了学校应该优先考虑学生营养和健康饮食习惯的6个令人信服的原因. 此外, 我们通过教育机构积极创造有利于培养积极饮食习惯的支持性环境的方式进行导航. More specifically, we also take a look at how 澳门新葡京官网学校 introduces a variety of nutritious food options to their students.

1. The Link Between 营养 and Academic Performance

许多研究已经证实了营养和学习成绩之间的紧密联系. 特别是, The National Library of Medicine, concluded that there is a positive association between diet and academic achievement, whereby students who reported consuming regular meals, including specifically a breakfast meal, as well as students who reported higher consumption of fruit, were found to have higher academic achievement. 均衡的饮食可确保学生获得最佳大脑功能所需的基本营养素, 浓度, 和记忆. 强调健康饮食的学校有助于提高学生的学习成绩和认知能力.

2. Cultivating Lifelong Habits

童年是一个形成的时期,这些年来形成的习惯往往会持续到成年. By emphasizing nutritious food choices and promoting a positive relationship with food, schools contribute significantly to the long-term well-being of their students. With early exposure to a diverse range of nutritious foods, students learn an appreciation for various tastes and textures, setting the foundation for lifelong healthy eating habits. Beyond the immediate health benefits, fostering a culture of mindful eating equips students with invaluable life skills. It empowers them to make informed choices, 强化健康营养在预防慢性病、促进长寿中的重要作用.

3. Fostering Physical Health

The relationship between proper nutrition and physical health is not just a matter of theory; it's a fundamental aspect of human biology. 重视营养的学校实际上是在为学生的健康和活力的基础上进行投资. Healthy eating habits play a pivotal role in combating the rising obesity epidemic among children and adolescents; preventing chronic diseases such as diabetes, 心脏病, and hypertension; boosting energy levels; and more. Instilling nutritional knowledge can be transformative, helping students make choices that reduce their risk of these life-altering conditions.

4. 教育和意识

学校可以将营养学纳入课程,教育学生均衡饮食的好处. 一些例子包括, creating a dedicated nutrition class covering topics like food groups, 平衡的饮食, reading nutrition labels, and understanding portion sizes; hands-on cooking sessions; maintaining a school garden to show the relationship between nutrition and agriculture; school wellness programs; and more. 

Educators can also teach nutrition through interdisciplinary learning. 例如, teaching mathematical concepts such as proportions, 百分比, and measurement conversions while discussing 平衡的饮食 and recipe adjustments; studying global eating habits, 文化美食, 食物的可持续性, promoting a holistic understanding of nutrition; or diving into technology and utilizing educational nutrition apps and games. 将营养教育纳入课程,使学生能够在食物选择方面做出明智的决定,并促进健康的新葡京官网方式.

每一年, 澳门新葡京官网学校 hosts a themed culinary adventure led by GVS parent and esteemed nutrition consultant, 汉娜·罗宾逊. Whether the theme is “How Does My Food Grow?”, featuring foods that grow either below or above ground, or higher up in trees; or “Food Groups”, 有蔬菜, 健康的谷物 & 种子, 营养蛋白质, 乳制品——每一项活动都让学生们踏上一段探索一系列营养食品选择的美味之旅.

“The foods featured in this event mirror the many offerings found in the 澳门新葡京官网餐厅," explained Shannon Camacho, the School’s Manager of Food Services. “我们的目标不仅仅是介绍这些多样化和营养的选择,而是灌输一种持久的理解. By engaging with these foods firsthand, we hope our students will recognize, 欣赏, and incorporate them into their daily lunch choices."

Curated with much thought and care, 澳门新葡京官网学校 prepares these foods in a variety of ways. 学生们可以尝试生吃、烤吃、蒸吃、放在松饼里或作为沙拉的一部分. Some students are curious and willing to give something new a try. Others like to stick to what they know, but all are happy to find familiar food during lunch time in the 食堂.

Camacho added, “The idea is to use the 食堂 作为课堂的延伸,并以互动的方式向年轻学生传授他们所吃的食物,以便他们在GVS和以后的岁月中继续探索他们的营养选择.”

5. Providing Nutritious Meal Options

确保学生有机会获得营养膳食和零食是他们整体健康和学业成功的基础. 学校可以采取多种策略来提供健康的选择:与营养专家合作,设计包括各种水果的均衡膳食计划, 蔬菜, 全谷物, 精益蛋白质, and low-fat dairy products; emphasize appropriate portion sizes to prevent overeating and promote mindful eating habits; incorporate diverse cuisines to cater to different cultural backgrounds; offer vegan and vegetarian options; partner with local farmers and suppliers to source fresh, seasonal produce; organize workshops led by nutritionists; ensure easy access to clean, filtered water throughout the school; form student-led committees focused on nutrition; and more. By implementing these strategies, 学校创造了一种环境,在这种环境中,营养食品的选择不仅是可用的,而且是鼓励和庆祝的. 

6. 以身作则

Teachers and peers serve as powerful influencers. When educators and classmates demonstrate enthusiasm for healthy eating, students are more likely to adopt similar behaviors. 积极的榜样创造了一种文化,在这种文化中,营养的选择受到推崇和接受.

学校可以以身作则,通过教职员工的实践来展示健康饮食的重要性. 重视营养和健康新葡京官网方式的教师和工作人员为学生树立了积极的榜样, reinforcing the value of these habits in their minds.

学校 hold immense potential to shape the future of their students, 不仅仅是学术上的, but also in terms of their physical and mental well-being. 在学校优先考虑营养和健康的饮食习惯具有深远的好处,超出了课堂. 通过教育, 培养意识, and providing nutritious options, 学校创造一种环境,使学生能够对自己的健康做出明智的选择. Nurturing healthy eating habits at a young age ensures a healthier, 快乐, and more successful generation that can thrive in all aspects of life. As schools embrace this holistic approach, they pave the way for a brighter, healthier future for their students and the broader community.

Learn more about how the 食堂 at 澳门新葡京官网学校, 为学生提供丰富的营养午餐和零食选择,并将其融入日常新葡京官网.